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Thursday, November 30, 2006 


its been years
lots of years
many years
what is a year anyway?
how is a year truly measured?
what difference does time make if time can stand sill and travel at rapid speeds?
for times sake its been years
many years with
many places in between us
yet you still do to me what you use to do
you still have the same effect as before
the same feelings are evoked when confronted
the same?
its the same
everything else has changed
and this has stayed the same
how is that so?
how do you have this effect on me?
what is it that allows you do do this to me?
if only i knew
years mean nothing
time means nothing
time is simply a way to measure
but measure what?
time has stopped
yet we keep moving
moving together or moving apart?
moving towards each other or moving further away?
the physical distance between us is not nill
the emotional distance between us is grand
the years have drawn it out and provoke this

its jOs...: years