a guide to creating your HIPSTER PDA

Building your first Hipster PDA
1.get a bunch of 3"x5" file cards
1.get a bunch of 3"x5" file cards
2.clip them together with a binder clip
3. there is no step 3
3. there is no step 3
Consider picking up some different kinds of cards—different colors, lined and unlined.
Personally, I like the really small binder clips and a stack of 12 or fewer cards; experiment for the combination that suits you
Personally, I like the really small binder clips and a stack of 12 or fewer cards; experiment for the combination that suits you
Try using a single different-colored card as a visual separator between used and fresh cards in your stack (helps you from accidentally giving someone an old, written-on note)
Let me know how yours turns out and dont worry if you mess up or dont like how it came out you can start over....