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Friday, March 10, 2006 


does anyone read this?
is anyone reading?
how do we know if anyone pays attention?
does it even matter?
i listen to the same few songs
i look at the same few things
day in
day out
they still bring satisfaction
after hearing the same words 45 times
in one day
would i still want to hear them again?
does anyone know?
i sometimes wonder
what keeps me going?
keeps me fighting?
keeps me thinking?
keeps me caring?
keeps me away from an excused statisitc?
why do some fall into excuses while others dont?
why am i one of the ones here?
why am i one of the ones not wickdly effected to the point of total numbness?
why do i still feel?
why do i still breathe?
why arent i addicted?
why arent i drugged?
questions i often contemplate with out reslove
questions that make me wonder...
questions that will always be unanwsered
.... the phone rings....
employment agency
how is it that i can get a call for a job (that has nothing to do with anything ive done or care to do or know about) from an agency that i didnt even apply to int he first place... yet non of the 300 companies that i applyed (things i know, care about, understand and want to do) to can even send me an email?
what the fuck is that about?
what would make someone think that a college graduate with a degree in communications and work expereicen with customers/manangment and volunteering would want to do data entry for an accontant???
i cant balance a check book
i take that back i can
the balance is whatever the website says
why would i want to work for a accontant?
what on my resume makes you think id want to work or be a candiate to work there i say?
well you have strong computer skills and a college degree
so do like 5000000 other people in this county alone
im hungry
i need more coffee
i think i have an interview
i think i said id go in
why the hell did i do that?
what was i thinking?
oh well
if you just read this can you like leave a comment or something saying nothing more then read or x or - just so i know its been read
of course if you have a real comment that would be nice too
coffee here i come...

its jOs...: questions...