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Sunday, April 23, 2006 


i cant yell about not having a job anymore...
but i can bitch about salarys
and i will...
people my age, 23, almost 24
make nothing...
as a whole that is
20 year olds with no college education working as managers
at hot topic
and other mall chains
make the same $$$ if not more then me
but also 25 year olds with bachelors degrees
over 6 years working experience
salary= about 12$hr
wtf is wrong with this?
yes we all know u cant really live on min wage
but you also cant live on 5$hr more
typical salary for college grad(non busniness field) $500 week under 30k year
typical expenses for college grad=
rent= $500+ month (if u have roomate)
car ins= about $100
car payment= $350+
food= $400+
cred card mins=$50-$300+ (what college student didnt use one?)
ok we are at what is brought in now...
wheres money for gas?
how about to pay student loans?
clothes to wear to work?

do i have a point?
am i wrong?
should i be glad i at least make some money?
even though i make about 500 a month less then my bills
could it be worse?
hell yes
i do make more $ then many but i also have more expensies then many
i went to school because i was told i needed too in order to get a good job
the job i have now doesnt require a degree
the last one didnt either
postal employee, salary=35-45k plays with paper all day
emt salary= under 30k, they play with peoples lives all day
baseball player slalary= millions, plays with balls all day
teacher salary= make 30k if lucky, plays with you kids all day
salaries are FUCKED UP
our country is fucked up
what we value is fucked up
im fed up
i dont wish4 millions
or 100's of thousands
jsut for something liveable
i just need to know that i invested 100k for school
and that im investing further for a reason
i mean
i just want 30k a year
a dog
an apartment more then 500sq ft
at least a few 100 in checking
instead of a few 1's
is that so much to ask?

its jOs...: salary??