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Tuesday, April 04, 2006 

she cant

she wants to kill him i wouldnt mind but she can go to jail... id be lost with out her id be a train wreck a mass causality broken not that im not already well im reconstructed i have a rebuild title
but she cant do it
but i cant control her
her anger is amazing
she is more mad then i
she is more hurt then i am
it doesnt add up
nothing adds up to me
maybe i think too much
i over analyze
i put too much into it
to everything
i invest 100 million
get back
1 dollar
is this really happening
is this my reality
what did i do to deserve this
to deserve her
i must have suffered in a past life
for her as my reward now
but then what about before
before her
the suffering
the pain
the agony
what did i do to deserve that
i must have killed in another past life
i must have done something so horrible
in order for what happened to happen
how can one persons life be so bad yet good
the first 20 something years ripped from a novel
stolen from a script
a lifetime tv drama
a tragic tale with the wrong ending
she wants to hurt him
i cant let her
i cant risk it
risk more loss
risk more pain
she cant

its jOs...: she cant