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Tuesday, March 14, 2006 

i donno

i donno i donno anything at least thats how i feel today thats how the make me feel
thats what the evidence shows
the facts add up to me, jOs, not knowing a damn thing
of course
if i knew something i wouldnt sit home all day writing blogs and searching for a job
because id have a job so id be at work sitting all day...duh
if i knew anything it would be reflected on my resume and one of the 600 places i applied to in the past 3 months would call me ... right?
i donno
i donno what the hell im talking about
i donno anything remember?
why are you reading this?
i donno
oh wait no one reads this because i donno a damn thing
and if someone is reading this why the hell are you?
you must be more bored then i am....
or maybe you want to know what it feels like to be a 23 year old college educated, working for 8 years unemployed white girl from westport ct... yes westport ct the former home of martha stewart, the home of mike bolotn, phill donahue, the newmans and many other famous and rich well off people...
if you havent noticed by now i am certinally not one of them...
im not at all fortunate...
hell i cant even get a retail job that high school kids work
that immigrants work
that retired people work
that that that
anyone but me works
because i donno...
i feel like im a felon or something, no im sorry we cant hire you because your a CRIMINAL... well im not a criminal but at least if i was there would be a reason why i couldnt get a job
oh wait
thats a poor excus becuase many felons work
rapists work
murderers work
child abusers work
frauds work
everyone works except for me
why why why why why???
someone tell me why because i donno
i dont have a fucking clue why i cant find a fucking job anywhere
what that fuck is so wrong with me?
my life sucks
at least there is jen
and nan
thats all ive got that i like
and my car... sometimes...
and my camera
its so sad
its so pathetic
its so rediculous
its so INSANE
i donno
do i even make sense?
does anyone even understand me?
the words comming out of my fingers?
i donno

its jOs...: i donno